What is your kryptonite?

We all have “things” in our lives that weaken us.

They drain our energy, time and effort.

They are like parasitic leeches and suck life out of our core.

Many times we are blind to the power cords they have attached to us, that steal precious seconds away.

They have punctured holes into our whole existence like the membrane attack complex that punctures holes into invading pathogens to destroy them.

Remember what kryptonite did to Superman and his cousin Supergirl?

It was their cyanide, their poison.

If they were exposed to it for too long, the consequences would be fatal.

Lesson: Identify your kryptonite and cut ties with it before it robs you of your life, spirit and soul.

Author: hmbiwan

Be still and know that I am God -Psalm 46:10-

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